Adobe Premiere Pro Colour and Video Editing

I have always been passionate about video editing and being able to create pieces that makes the audience invested.

My Etsy page KittyCatEmz has been growing a lot lately which has resulted in my customers asking me to create new video overlays to satisfy their needs.

At this point of time on Etsy, the only video overlays that most people sell, including me, are one animated background that has 3 different texts on them; “Starting Soon”, “Be Right Back” and “Ending Stream”. So essentially you sell the same 3 animations, but with different text on it. As you can see here

However many of my customers has asked me to make screen overlays that change depending on the situations; “Starting Soon”, “Be Right Back” and “Ending Stream”. As a result I wanted to create new videos that my customers could buy and use for their streams.

Yesterday the very popular video game Genshin Impact got an new update, which means that many players will stream their games, meaning if I made Genshin Impact products I would have increased sales until the hype goes down. I downloaded the game and found 3 beautiful spots that I took screen recordings of. Genshin’s world is really beautiful, but sadly the colours in game are very gray as a result this ment that I would need to edit the video to improve the colours. I have previously used iMovie for video editing, but this time what I wanted to do was not possible in iMovie. I therefore opened Adobe Premiere Pro and got to work. This is what I managed to do.

My video with added sound effects
My video with added sound effects
My video with added sound effects

The Etsy Store KittyCatEmz

My name is Emily and I am the owner and creator of KittyCatEmz

The ambition and passion for this business started as nothing more than a silly idea of a nine-year old girl. In the middle of the night, in my parents’ summer house, me and my childhood friend imagined the ideal ‘adult life’. We sowed ideas about running huge cooperations; hotels, shopping malls and restaurants. Little did I know those farfetched ideas would grow to be the inspiration of my work today. In 2022, KittyCatEmz was officially established. It is still small and humble, but my passion is big, and my ambition is never faltering.
At KittyCatEmz, our priority is to make sure that the customer is happy and content by listening to their wishes and requests. We will expand our business based on our customers’ wants and needs. That is why we invite you to take part of our journey in the design and process of our work. Let us know what ideas and contribution you have to share, so that the product will be of even higher quality and our humble business will take one further step towards the dream of my nine-year old self.

Magasin oppgave

Søndag 18 oktober gjorde jeg ferdig dette magasincoveret.

Jeg startet på det lørdag ettermiddag og har siden jobbet med det. Det var utrolig gøt å kunne leke med tekster, layout og hva slags skrift som var best til å bruke hva. Jeg tror at for å forbedre dette coveret så burde jeg kanskje hatt litt forskjellige typer skrifttyper… men vi får se! Jeg er uansett fornøyd med hvordan coveret ble og syntes det var gøy å kunne leke med farger, layout og design. Nedenfor kan du se en video over hvordan jeg lagde dette:

Det var en veldig gøy oppgave, og jeg elsker som sagt å filme skjermen min. Det å se sitt arbeid gå fra a tl å er utrolig gøy. Det er veldig motiverende å fortsette når man kan se sitt eget verk og det man gjør. Jeg brukte faktisk nesten 6 timer på dette verket, som er veldig interessant. 

I min tid så ville 6 timer vært lite tid. Jeg har mange ganger laget prosjekter i photoshop som har tatt lang over 200 timer. Det er utrolig gøt å kunne jobbe i photoshop og bare la tiden gå. Jeg elsker å kunne gjøre absolutt hva jeg vil i Photoshop. Når jeg tegner i pgtoshop (full body, face + hair) så tar det fort 60 timer.

Photoshop oppgave

I dag den 16 oktober har jeg gjort en photoshop oppgave på nytt – grunnlaget for dette var at jeg var misfornøyd med det jeg tidligere hadde levert inn:

Dette bildet som var det oppbrinnelige bildet jeg leverte og jeg er virkelig misfornøyd det. Det er verken detaljer i bildet, gode effekter, godt utført arbeid eller noen form for lagstruktur. Selvom jeg tydeligvis fikk Dette var også den siste oppgave i photoshop så ønsket jeg å levere noe som er avansert, grundig og veldig godt laget som viser hva jeg faktisk kan og hvor seriøst jeg tar Photoshop. Derfor endte jeg opp med dette verket her:

I tillegg så elsker jeg å filme skjermen min når jeg redigerer for å kunne se tilbake på arbeidet mitt og hvordan det startet og til slutt endte opp.

I denne videoen så kan du se hva jeg har gjort, og hele prosessen til sluttresultatet. Det er utrolig gøy å kunne se sitt eget arbeid og hva man har gjort.